General terms and conditions

About us and our services

Vision and Engagements

Best Genetics – Your genes. Your health and life.

  • Personalized medicine
  • Longevity
  • Individualized preventive medicine
  • Check ups
  • Early review for treatments
  • Personalized nutrition
  • Mental strength and well-being
  • Patient involvement and empowerment
  • Health approach to health
  • Weight and nutrition
  • Beauty
  • Data Security


For  1 patients and 2 professionals (doctors and medical facilities, pharmacies and drugstores, nutritionist, gyms)

genetic analyses / genetic test

  • medical
  • nonmedical


Check ups

Lifestyle analyses, such as studies to clarify the metabolic type in order to subsequently optimize weight through appropriate nutrition or sporting activity, or clarifications about suitability for certain sports

Products (supplements, creams, infusion)


  • Individual prices for analyses
  • prize packages
  • installments, discounts

Subject matter of these General Terms and Conditions ("GTC")

​These general terms and conditions(hereinafter referred to as GTC) regulate the relationship between Best Genetics AG (hereinafter referred to as “Best Genetics”) and the customers (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”).

The GTC apply when an order is placed. The GTC can be viewed at any time at Best Genetics reserves the right to change the GTC to change at any time. The application of provisions that deviate from these GTC requires Original written consent from Best Genetics.

Medical and non-medical services

Best Genetics provides medical and non-medical genetic analysis and related treatments as a service. To the extent required by law, genetic tests and treatments are carried out exclusively under medical supervision.

All genetic studies will be carried out according to the state of the art in science and technology.

Personal requirements

Our services are aimed at private individuals and are available to people who are at least 18 years old and have mental capacity.

If the person concerned is incapable of making judgments, genetic tests will only be offered if they are necessary to protect the health of the person with capacity. In this case, the consent of the person authorized to represent them is required.

Our offers are also available to healthcare professionals in medicine and pharmacy, nutritionists and other service providers in fitness, beauty and well-being.

Appointments and no-shows-Fee

Registrations for appointments are binding. Cancellations and changes to treatment and consultation appointments must be communicated by telephone or email no later than 24 hours before the reserved appointment. In the event of an unexcused no-show or a short-term cancellation (i.e. less than 24 hours before the agreed appointment), Best Genetics is entitled to charge CHF 100 for the appointment. This also applies to free appointments.

Patient information

  • Best Genetics provides genetic testing in the medical and non-medical areas as well as medical services in the area of ​​preventive medicine.
  • These terms and conditions and the medical information on the homepage are not a substitute for medical information from doctors.
  • The patient information usually includes the purpose, type and significance of the examination;
  • risks and physical and psychological stress associated with the examination;
  • the handling of the sample and the genetic data during and after the examination, in particular regarding quality assurance and storage;
  • the possibility of excess information emerging;
  • the cases in which excess information may not be communicated
  • the possible significance of the examination results for family members and their right not to know;
  • their rights, particularly regarding consent, information and ignorance.

patient rights

  • Customers have the right to receive information resulting from the ordered genetic test.
  • The information from a genetic test may only be disclosed to another person if the person concerned has consented.
  • Every customer has the right to refuse to receive information about their genetic makeup in whole or in part.


All genetic tests and treatments at Best Genetics are carried out according to the state of medical science and research. Despite careful execution of the activities, no guarantees can be given for success, especially a specific result of a treatment.

Best Genetics provides information about therapy-specific risks and side effects in the respective patient information as well as in an oral information discussion by health professionals. The doctor’s instructions must be strictly followed. This also includes your correct behavior during therapy. Otherwise, any claim against Best Genetics will expire.

The liability of Best Genetics and its assistants is limited to gross negligence and intentional acts. This applies to contractual and non-contractual liability. Any liability beyond this, except in the case of medical responsibility or bodily harm, is completely excluded, subject to mandatory legal provisions.

In the event of a breach of essential contractual obligations, any claims for damages are limited to typical and foreseeable damages.

data protection

The processing and storage of genetic data is protected from unauthorized handling and processing by appropriate technical and organizational measures.

Otherwise, the processing and storage of genetic data is based on the applicable data protection regulations.

Final provisions, place of jurisdiction and applicable law

Should a provision be or become ineffective, this will not affect the effectiveness of all other provisions or agreements.

The court in Zurich is responsible for disputes. Swiss law applies.

Legal Notice

Best Genetics AG

Zeltweg 11

8032 Zürich


Managing Director: Dr. iur. Philipp Skarupinski

Entered in the Commercial Register of Canton Zurich: CHE-315.328.830